Magnetostrictive Actuators for the Control of Smart Structures
Sprache des Vortragstitels:
Original Tagungtitel:
3rd World Conference on Structural Control
Sprache des Tagungstitel:
Original Kurzfassung:
Magnetostrictive devices have some potential as smart actuators, where fast responses of the actuators and low supply voltages are required. For many applications it is desirable that the actuators show a linear behavior. Although the magnetostrictive e ect is a nolinear one, one can obtain linearity approximately by applying a magnetic bias and mechanica prestress in the material. An additional improvement is achievable by active control of the device. This contribution deals with the mathematical modeling of a magnetostrictive actuator, which can be modeled as a rod. A control scheme for the actuator is presented, which not only stabilizes the mathematical model of the magnetrostricive rod, but leads to an excellent tracking behavior, also.
Sprache der Kurzfassung:
Englischer Vortragstitel:
Magnetostrictive Actuators for the Control of Smart Structures
Englischer Tagungstitel:
3rd World Conference on Structural Control
Englische Kurzfassung:
Magnetostrictive devices have some potential as smart actuators, where fast responses of the actuators and low supply voltages are required. For many applications it is desirable that the actuators show a linear behavior. Although the magnetostrictive e ect is a nolinear one, one can obtain linearity approximately by applying a magnetic bias and mechanica prestress in the material. An additional improvement is achievable by active control of the device. This contribution deals with the mathematical modeling of a magnetostrictive actuator, which can be modeled as a rod. A control scheme for the actuator is presented, which not only stabilizes the mathematical model of the magnetrostricive rod, but leads to an excellent tracking behavior, also.