Implementation of a Bearingless Axial-Force/Torque Motor Fan with Flex-PCB Windings
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IEMDC 2019, IEEE International Electric Machines & Drives Conference, San Diego, CA, USA, May 12-15, 2019
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Bearingless motors are very compact magnetically levitated systems. In addition to their technological benefits like no friction, no mechanical wear and long lifetime they can be simplified regarding their mechanical composition and electronic hardware demand. Under these constraints typically a one degree of freedom actively positioned system is preferable. Passive stabilization is used for the other degrees of freedom due to simplicity. In this manuscript such a system, the bearingless axial-force/torque motor, is implemented in a small fan application. The manufactured prototype is outlined and its hard- and software are explained. Static and dynamic measurements with the bearingless fan prove the concept and show its operation feasibility.