Additive Manufactured Pure PMMA Microfluidic Channels Featuring a Screen Printed Diaphragm Flow Velocity Sensor
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MFHS 2019 Enschede
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In this work we present a low cost and low tech
method for the fabrication of microfluidic channels
purely made out of PMMA featuring a diaphragm.
The channel is created in three steps where first the
PMMA substrate is engraved using a laser engraver,
second the channel is filled with liquid gallium, and
third, after the solidification of the gallium, an UVcurable
PMMA topcoat seals the channel. The
fabricated channel features a diaphragm with a screen
printed strain gauge on top. This strain gauge is able
to measure the deformation of the diaphragm thus
capable of detecting flow velocities in the range from
10 to 300 ?L/min.