Regulatory Change and Multinational Enterprises - Evolutions in Due Diligence Requirments in Global Supply Chains
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MNEs are under increasing pressure to ensure that their supply chains are sustainable. Several high-profile industrial accidents in developing countries, most notably the Rana Plaza collapse in Bangladesh in 2013, raised public consciousness about the risks associated with the unregulated expansion of global value chains (GVCs) around the world. Although self-regulatory certification systems and multi stakeholder initiatives seeking to address such risks have grown rapidly, civil society, and the public more broadly, are often skeptical about the effectiveness of these approaches. Governments have therefore come under increasing pressure to regulate the international activities of their MNEs. The negative impact of COVID-19 on many developing country workers has further contributed to this dynamic. In this webinar we will explore the evolution of Human Rights Due Diligence (DD) from voluntary corporate actions to increasing government regulation, highlighting, in particular, recent developments in the EU and its member states.