Specimen Shape Optimization for Investigating the Impact of Mechanical Stress on Soft Magnetic Material Properties
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IEMDC 2023, International Electric Machines and Drives Conference, San Francisco, USA, 15.-18.05.2023
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Original Kurzfassung:
This work is on the results of the specimen shape optimization for a novel measurement setup. The new device is used for investigating the impact of mechanical stress on soft magnetic material properties.
The setup shall be capable to study materials under two-dimensional flux density and mechanical force trajectories, including tensile and compressive stress. In order to facilitate accurate results, it is key that the flux density and stress components
are homogenous within the specimen's area that is evaluated by the search coils. The geometry parameters and the objectives describing the homogeneity of mechanical stress and magnetic flux density in the measurement area are presented. Following the
presentation of the optimization results, the realized test setup is briefly explained and measurement results are shown and discussed.