Implementing a Bearingless Separated-Stator Flux-Switching Slice Motor
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This paper presents the functional principles, optimization, design, construction and measurement of a novel bearingless separated-stator flux-switching slice motor. Conventional flux-switching motors typically feature less torque capability than general permanent magnetic excited synchronous drives of similar geometry. To overcome this disadvantage of permanentmagnet-free rotors in flux-switching drives, a new topology is
implemented. The novel design is constructed as a bearingless slice motor, because three degrees of freedom are stabilized passively by reluctance forces (axial direction as well as tilting). The finite element method optimization is carried out in three steps. First, all possible parameters are reduced to significant ones. Second, sensible general parameter areas are identified, which are then optimized in the third step. A separated winding system (featuring distinct drive torque and suspension phases) is implemented. Then, a prototype is designed and manufactured. Single-phase and stability characteristics are measured