A Solver for Nonlinear, Periodical Wave Propagation Problems in Liquid Transmission Line Networks
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Original Tagungtitel:
9th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, July 19th - 23rd, Sydney, Australia
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Original Kurzfassung:
Transmission line networks distributing viscous, weakly compressible liquids arise in many important applications such as hydraulic drives or fuel injection systems. Either due to nonlinearities inherent to the compressiblity behaviour of the pure liquid or because of small gas bubbles entrained in the liquid, the material behaviour is nonlinear. This gives rise to a number of interesting problems such as bifurcation of the system repsonse to periodic excitation. With very weak damping the use of initial value solvers is infeasible for compuation of periodic steady-state solutions, therefore a periodic solver using finite differences in time and a Galerkin procedure in space has been set up for a class of transmission line problems under laminar flow assumptions. The material law is derived from an equilibrium of the base liquid with small gas bubbles under isothermal assumptions. Computational results are compared to measurements from a specially designed benchmark experiment using a transmission line system with length scales in the order of 2 m, line diameters of 10 mm and hydraulic oil (mineral oil) as a test liquid. The amount of entrained air in the liquid is shown to be of crucial influence on the wave propagation behaviour especially at low pressure.
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Vortrag auf einer Tagung (referiert)
Details zum Vortragsort:
Sydney Convention and Exhibition Center Darling Harbour