Highly-Integrated Multi-Channel Radar Sensors in SiGe Technology for Automotive Frequencies and beyond
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20th International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics and Communications
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Nowadays, radar based safety- and comfort features for motor vehicles are available from nearly every car maker. For the final breakthrough highly-integrated and low-cost radar sensors are required. Current developments based on silicon germanium (SiGe) heterojunction bipolar transistors show the potential to become the technology of choice for the mass market. In this contribution beside regulatory issues and radar basics, state-of-the-art concepts and semiconductor circuits for highly-integrated multi-channel radar sensors at automotive frequencies around 77 GHz and beyond at 94 GHz and 120 GHz, are summarized. Novel concepts allow, e.g., the realization of integrated multiple-input multiple-output sensors, phased array transmitters, and digital beamformers. RF signal generation, based either on fundamental frequency oscillators or on frequency multiplier techniques, is applied in monostatic or bistatic radar configurations with homodyne or heterodyne receiver concepts. Above systems were all demonstrated by using Infineon Technologies? automotive qualified B7HF200 SiGe technology. By using a modified and advanced technology applications at 120 GHz are also presented. The shown components form the basis for next generation automotive systems as well as for industrial applications, which take advantage of the commercial availability of integrated radar frontends.