Geometrically Nonlinear Approximate Solution for the Circumferential Buckling Problem in Hat-Stringer-Stiffened Composite Fuselage Panels
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ECCOMAS 3rd Thematic Conference on Mechanical Response of Composites 2011
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An efficient closed-form analytical approach for the analysis of the postbuckling behaviour and the computation of the ultimate load of orthotropic composite plates stiffened by hat-profile stringers and frames under transverse compression is presented. The analysis approach is based on three consecutive analysis steps, namely 1) onset of buckling of the skin between the stringers, 2) postbuckling behaviour of the skin with load redistribution to the frames, and 3) onset of buckling of the skin under the stringers in the load concentration area. The latter defines ultimate load of the stiffened panel. The approach is validated by geometrically nonlinear finite element computations.