Development of a SRM power electronic system with a reduced number of power semiconductors
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3rd International Youth Conference on Energetics 2011 (IYCE2011), 07. - 09.07.2011
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Each phase of a switched reluctance motor has to be powered independently. Several different concepts to power a SRM are being investigated regarding the power savings potential of power-semiconductors. Concerning this basic condition, a C-Dump-Converter is being analyzed in detail and furthermore optimized in terms of component number minimization and high power density. The developed concept needs only eight power-semiconductors but keeps the attribute of independent phase switching. Furthermore a procedure to choose the optimal power-MOSFET is presented. This tool allows a fast and simple selection of the optimal component from a wide range of offered MOSFETs. Also, a spice simulation of both the mechanical model of the SRM and the power electronics is created. This allows the complete simulation of different loads applied to the SR-machine. Finally, a prototype is being assembled, programmed and measured. The measurement results are compared with the analytical considerations and the simulation results.